
In 1961, the then owner, Mr M O’Connor, donated the mill and access land to the Wrawby Windmill Preservation Society. The mill was carefully measured and photographed and in the following year the internal machinery and remaining two sails were removed. The derelict round house was restored, and the old buck was removed in one piece with a large crane. Oak trees were given by Lord Yarborough and Captain J Elwes. Two new cross trees and four quarter bars were made by R Thompson & Son, millwrights of Alford to replace the originals which were rotten at the ends and badly attacked by death watch beetle. A new buck was made by Scarborough & Ferrier of Cleethorpes and assembled on the site. This was then lifted into place on top of the re-erected post and the repaired windshaft and primary driving wheels fitted at the same time.

During the winter of 1963/4 two sails taken from Holton Holgate mill by Society members were modified and repaired. By 1964/5 the internal machinery had been restored and was re-instated in the mill including the pair of French stones. In the Spring of 1965 the two refurbished sails were fitted. The mill was clad in new weather boarding and a new ladder was made by the Elwes Estate carpenters. The mill was officially re-opened on 18th September 1965 and the first bag of corn ground. In 1967 two new sails were made under the supervision of Fred Banks of Kirton Lindsey and the second pair of stones re-instated.

Many people have contributed both financially and by gifts of material and voluntary labour. Although too numerous to list here, without their help the mill would not stand proudly as she does today and to them must go grateful thanks.